Expenses you pay or incur in moving yourself, your immediate family, your household goods, and your personal effects are only allowable as Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses if the move is necessary for the convenience of your employer AND if you pass the distance test. To claim these expenses use Part E of the PA Schedule UE.
Distance Test
Your new workplace must be at least 35 miles farther from your old residence than your old workplace was. Example: If your old workplace was 3 miles from your old residence, your new workplace must be at least 38 miles from your old residence.
Allowable moving expenses include the cost of transportation to your new home. You may use actual out-of-pocket costs or the federal mileage allowance. The expenses for the storage of household goods, for meals and lodging on the way, including such costs on the day you arrive, and parking fees and tolls are allowable.