This list reflects answers to frequently asked questions regarding the federal fee and NC Application Fee.
This fee only applies to certain organizations. Refer to the Provider Permission Matrix under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment page to determine provider-specific enrollment requirements.
Effective January 28, 2018, federal fee collection is automated; both the federal and NC application fee payments are collected upon application submission. NCTracks will not begin processing the application until the applicable fee(s) are paid.
Section 6401(a) of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires the Secretary to impose a fee on each "institutional provider of medical or other items or services and suppliers." The fee is to be used by the Secretary to cover the cost of program integrity efforts including the cost of screening associated with provider enrollment processes, including those under section 1866(j) and section 1128J of the Social Security Act.
This fee only applies to certain organizations. It does not apply to individual physicians or non-physician practitioners. It also does not apply to providers who are enrolled in either “Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled” or another state's Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program plan. Refer to the Provider Permission Matrix under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment page to determine provider-specific enrollment requirements.
In accordance with North Carolina Senate Bill 105 Session Law 2021-180 Section 9D.9 (d), the waiver to the NC Medicaid provider enrollment and revalidation/reverification application fee expired on June 30, 2023. Beginning July 1, 2023, providers submitting enrollment or revalidation/reverification applications will be assessed the $100 NC Medicaid Provider Application Fee. This is in addition to the Federal Fee imposed for specified taxonomies. The North Carolina Medicaid application fee is $100.00 and covers the costs associated with processing the enrollment application. The federal fee covers the costs associated with screening. Both fees can be found under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment home page by clicking on the link titled "Federal Fees & NC Enrollment Fees by Year."
The federal fee can be found under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment home page by clicking on the link titled "Federal Fees & NC Enrollment Fees by Year." The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sets the application fee, which may be adjusted annually. The fee is used to cover the cost of screening and other program integrity efforts.
Session Law 2017-57 Senate Bill 257 Section 11H.3 Provider Application and Re-credentialing Fee mandated: (a) Each provider that submits an application to enroll in the Medicaid program shall submit an application fee. The application fee shall be the sum of the amount federally required and one hundred dollars ($100.00). (b) The fee required under subsection (a) of this section shall be charged to all providers at re-credentialing every five years.
Beginning July 1, 2023, providers submitting enrollment or revalidation/reverification applications will be assessed the $100 NC Medicaid Provider Application Fee. This is in addition to the Federal Fee imposed for specified taxonomies.